Magna-Cryl 2825
UV Protective Coating
Magna-Cryl 2825 is a UV curable coating designed to protect metals during the plating process. When cured, it produces a highly flexible, tough film that protects copper, brass, stainless steel, nickel silver, etc. from exposure to plating baths. Magna-Cryl 2825 offers excellent adhesion for clean and precise masking yet allows for easy removal anytime during or after the plating process without cracking, breaking or splitting. Offered in liquid form, Magna-Cryl 2825 is dispensed with conventional equipment allowing for easy changes of coating width. The recommended coating thickness is 4 to 7 mils.
Clean Up: Uncured material may be cleaned up with most organic solvents (acetone, toluene, etc.). Cured material may be discarded in a non hazardous manner if no plating residue is present.
Adhesive Characteristics:
When cured, it produces a highly flexible, tough film that protects copper, brass, stainless steel, nickel silver, etc. from exposure to plating baths. Magnacryl 2825 offers excellent adhesion for clean and precise masking yet allows for easy removal anytime during or after the plating process without cracking, breaking or splitting. Offered in liquid form, Magnacryl 2825 is dispensed with conventional equipment allowing for easy changes of coating width. The recommended coating thickness is 4 to 7 mils. Clean-Up: Uncured material may be cleaned up with most organic solvents(acetone, toluene, etc.). Cured material may be discarded in a non hazardous manner if no plating residue is present.
Materials It Protects:
Protects metals during the plating process.
5,000 cps
Translucent Amber