“Turnip the beet” with this reusable and trendy grocery store tote made with Beacon’s Felt Glue!

Materials and Supplies:

Beacon Felt Glue
Pink Sequins
Black Sequins
Tote Bag
Black Felt
Light Green Felt
Dark Green Felt
Yellow Felt
Purple Felt
Pink Felt
Red Felt
White Felt


  1. Download and print templates: Beet 1Beet 2TextTurnip 1Turnip 2
  2. Trace and cut out on felt
  3. Secure pieces together using Felt Glue to make a beet and a turnip
  4. Cut letters out on felt
  5. Glue to tote with Beacon Felt Glue
  6. Add embellishments with stringed sequins and glue

Skill Level: Beginner
Crafting Time: 1 hour